Friday, October 18, 2024
Our body is an essential dimension of our spirituality. By re-examining our understanding of the relationship between the body and spirituality, I believe that we can develop deeper and more authentic sadhana. As a community, integrating embodiment more fully...
Yes it was true that the name of that Sector was changed from Sydney sector to Suva sector. The reason for this that at that time the Sectorial Secretary was Dada Paritoshanada. His visa was refused so he has...
As most people know from their professional lives, leadership culture can make or break you and this is particularly true of volunteer organisations. Furthermore, whilst hierarchical organisations and individual leadership have been a cornerstone of leadership culture since the...
P: What was your first experience of Baba? K: Well it is not an easy question. I think that my first experience of Baba is beyond my memory - beyond this life. However, when I was a child I had...
Chetana, mother of Jai & Rahika. Living in Melbourne. Grew up in India in a Margii family. YS: Chetana, you grew up in a Margii family in India, at a time when Baba was still physicality present. What sort of...
Someone once described to me the experience of a road accident where their arm was shattered to the point that doctors debated removing it. He said that there was so much pain that he found himself surprised at how,...
Over the next several editions of of Yantra Sadvipra, we will be including an article in the series ‘The Experience of Spiritual Practice’. In each case the authors will be given a brief to talk about mediation and spiritual...
Family life and spirituality intertwine in interesting and challenges ways for Margiis, often with unexpected blessings. In this series of articles, I asked Margiis from both a Western and Eastern background, what their experiences of family life has been like,...

Tantric sounds

Namaskar, I have always liked music and rhythms. To me the genre distinctions themselves haven’t ever been important. What is important to me is the emotional content of the music. I was lucky enough to grow up in a time...
Our pioneer forebears have been described as hardy, independent and multi-skilled, characteristics which have contributed to the people we are today. How different from the culture of dependency being cultivated by today’s globalised world. One of the main drivers of...