I have always liked music and rhythms. To me the genre distinctions themselves haven’t ever been important. What is important to me is the emotional content of the music. I was lucky enough to grow up in a time and place that was full of rhythm and that deeply affected my being.
My favourite artists who inspire me are those similar minded spirits who are moved by a growing feeling of universal love and a restless urge to do everything in their power to make this planet a better place to live.
I DJ and produce music to help out to connect and to raise the vibration to a higher level, bringing light to the dance floors of the individual and collective life. I have many tracks such as Baba Nam Kevalam with beats and also beats with some inspiring words sampled from videos or speeches from cool dudes like dada Pranakrishananda, Jiddu Krishnamurti, Eckart Tolle, Noam Chomsky.
Listen to Kiirtan and other music by Anirvan here:
Baba Nam Kevalam (Anirvan Deva Remix) 02
Baba Nam Kevalam (Anirvan Deva Remix) 01
You can find more music by Anirvan at or .
Note: The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not reflect the official views, policy or position of Ananda Marga.
Great to see positive, satvik music out there, thank you!